Product Update: December 12, 2022

Product Update

Chat flow question message layout can now be selected from “Default,” “Button,” “Confirm,” and “Quick Reply.

Why does it matter?
Changing the layout of question messages according to the situation is expected to improve the user experience and prevent abandonment.

How does it work?

The “Question Layout” settings are displayed when a choice type property is selected for the “Question” action in the chat flow. Details of each layout are as follows.

1. Default (if not set)
This layout is based on Flex Message. Button colors can be freely set.

2. Button
This layout uses the button template. The maximum number of choices that can be displayed is four.

3. Confirm
This layout displays two choices side by side. This can be used when there are two choices for a property.

4. Quick Reply
This layout displays a simple choice at the bottom of the message. There is no limit to the number of options that can be displayed.

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About Author
Shinobu Kawano
Founder, CEO & Product Manager. After working in R&D of CRM software for large enterprises and an engineering position in US companies, he founded Little Help Agency, LLC in 2019.
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