May Update | Custom Database

Product Update

We are pleased to announce the major feature updates of LITTLE HELP CONNECT (HubSpot LINE integration), released in May 2023.

Custom Database
Company-specific data, such as properties and stores, can now be imported into LITTLE HELP CONNECT’s database and used in message broadcasts and chatbots.

Import a CSV file from “Database” in the “Development” menu. Please prepare the file in “Unicode (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32)” character encoding.

Below is an example of using data from a custom database in a chatbot. Write the following code in the “Execute Code” action of the chat flow.

The custom database is available only to Enterprise plan customers. Please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager for details.

Use of custom databases in AI auto-response (ChatGPT)
Data imported into a custom database can also be used in AI auto-response (ChatGPT). Select “Database” under Data Source in the “AI Auto-Response” action and specify the target table.

You need to prepare a “Question” column and an “Answer” column for the table used for AI auto-response. Currently, data other than the Q&A format is not supported.

Answers are provided based on imported Q&A data when responding with AI auto-response actions.

Custom QR codes can be managed in folders
Folders can now be created to manage custom QR codes. Folders can be made from the “Folder” button on the custom QR Code List.

Allow users to set a “LINE User ID” for test send
You can now set a “LINE User ID” for LITTLE HELP CONNECT users. When creating a message delivery, you can select a user and send a test message.

■Notice of LINE Technology Partner Certification
Little Help Agency, LLC has been certified as a “Technology Partner” in the communications category for the fiscal year 2023 in the “LINE Biz Partner Program,” which certifies partners in the sales and development of various corporate services provided by LINE, Inc. The company will continue to strengthen its collaboration with LINE Corporation. We will continue to strengthen our cooperation with LINE Corporation and provide firm support to our clients.

Recognized as a “Technology Partner” in the communications category of the “LINE Biz Partner Program”, which recognizes sales and development partners for LINE’s corporate services.

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About Author
Shinobu Kawano
Founder, CEO & Product Manager. After working in R&D of CRM software for large enterprises and an engineering position in US companies, he founded Little Help Agency, LLC in 2019.
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