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  • [To all current subscribers] The seat function will become effective on January 1, 2024.

[To all current subscribers] The seat function will become effective on January 1, 2024.


Thank you for using LITTLE HELP CONNECT.

LITTLE HELP CONNECT has decided to use “seats” to manage user privileges for 1:1 LINE replies. We have summarized the concept of “seats” and the points we would like you to be aware of as a result of this change.

*We are trying to minimize the impact of this change on our customers, but if you have any concerns or concerns, please contact us at support@littlehelp.co.jp at any time.

Implementation Date

Date of reflection on the administration screen: from Nov. 6, 2023
Operation start date: January 1, 2024



Details of Change

  • Until now
    • Anyone could LINE reply* to a friend using LITTLE HELP CONNECT’s 1:1 function.
    • There is no limit to the number of users who can register on LITTLE HELP CONNECT, and an unlimited number of users could register.
  • From now on
    • There is no limit to the number of users who can continue to register for LITTLE HELP CONNECT, and an unlimited number of users can register.
    • Only users who have been assigned “Seat” privileges can reply to friends using the 1:1 function. Users who have not been assigned “Seat” privileges will not be able to reply to friends 1:1 on LINE.
    • Users who have not been assigned “Seat” privileges will be restricted to 1:1 LINE replies only, and will be able to view 1:1 messages.

*If you have a LITTLE HELP CONNECT inbox and a 1:1 LINE reply that can be done from LINE Chat on HubSpot, this is called a “LITTLE HELP CONNECT”.

Number of Seats Allocated to Existing Customers
We have allocated a sufficient number of seats as needed according to the number of existing users at each company.
To check the number of seats, please go to “LHC Management Screen TOP > Settings > Seats”.

As of November 6, 2023, “seats” will be allocated to all users registered on LITTLE HELP CONNECT. If a “seat” is assigned to a user who does not need it, we would appreciate it if you could unassign it accordingly.

Prices for Additional Seats

If you would like additional seats, the following options are available

Additional Seats Additional Price
10 seats 50 USD / month
20 seats 100 USD / month
50 seats 230 USD / month
100 seats 400 USD / month


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